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Who is the Planned Giving Council of Broward County?


Establishment and Purpose:
The Planned Giving Council of Broward County (PGCBC) was established in 1987 as a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and facilitating charitable giving through planned gifts. Its primary mission is to educate and inspire professionals who are involved in the process of planned giving, including attorneys, accountants, financial advisors, insurance professionals, and non-profit development officers. The PGCBC serves as a hub for networking, education, and collaboration, ensuring that charitable organizations in Broward County and beyond can effectively secure long-term, sustainable funding through planned giving.


Who is Involved?

The PGCBC is governed by a board of directors, typically consisting of seasoned professionals from various fields related to planned giving. These individuals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in legal, financial, and charitable sectors, guiding the council’s strategic direction.

The membership of the PGCBC comprises a diverse group of professionals, including:
   - Attorneys: Specializing in estate planning, wills, trusts, and charitable giving.
   - Financial Advisors: Providing wealth management and philanthropic guidance.
   - Accountants: Offering tax planning services to maximize the benefits of charitable giving.
   - Insurance Professionals: Advising on life insurance policies as part of a planned gift strategy.
   - Non-Profit Professionals: Working within charities and non-profits to secure planned gifts from donors.

  • Sponsors and Partners:
    The PGCBC collaborates with various corporate sponsors and partners who support its educational programs and events. These sponsors often include law firms, financial institutions, and other organizations interested in promoting philanthropy and planned giving.


Activities and Programs

  • Educational Programs:

The PGCBC offers a range of educational programs throughout the year, including workshops, seminars, and webinars. These events are designed to keep members up-to-date with the latest trends, tax laws, and best practices in planned giving. Topics often cover estate planning, charitable trusts, tax benefits of giving, and strategies for engaging donors.

  • Networking Events:

Regular networking events provide opportunities for members to connect with one another, exchange ideas, and form partnerships. These events foster a collaborative environment where professionals can share insights and learn from each other's experiences.

  • Annual Symposium:

One of the hallmark events of the PGCBC is its annual symposium. This event attracts experts in planned giving from across the country, offering in-depth presentations, panel discussions, and case studies on various aspects of charitable giving. The symposium is a must-attend for anyone involved in or interested in planned giving.

  • Resources and Publications:

The PGCBC provides its members with access to a wealth of resources, including newsletters, white papers, and industry reports. These resources help members stay informed about the latest developments in planned giving and equip them with the tools needed to advise clients or organizations effectively.

Impact and Importance
The PGCBC plays a crucial role in the philanthropic landscape of Broward County. By educating professionals and raising awareness about the benefits of planned giving, the council helps ensure that local charities and non-profits can secure the funding they need to continue their work. The impact of the PGCBC extends beyond its members, reaching into the broader community by promoting a culture of giving and supporting the financial sustainability of charitable organizations.


Why It Matters:

Planned giving is a vital component of long-term financial planning for both donors and non-profits. For donors, it provides an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy while receiving potential tax benefits. For non-profits, planned gifts often represent a significant source of future funding, allowing them to plan for the long term and continue providing services to the community.

Who Benefits:

  • Donors: Individuals who wish to make a lasting impact through their philanthropy.

  • Non-Profit Organizations: Charities and non-profits in Broward County that rely on planned gifts to secure their financial future.

  • Professional Advisors: Attorneys, accountants, and financial planners who can provide better service to their clients by understanding the nuances of planned giving.

Where is the Planned Giving Council of Broward County Active?

The PGCBC is primarily focused on serving professionals and organizations within Broward County, Florida. However, its influence and educational offerings often extend to neighboring regions and beyond, as the principles and practices of planned giving are universal.

  • Local Impact: 

Broward County Non-Profits: Many of the county's leading non-profit organizations are involved with the PGCBC, either as members or beneficiaries of the planned gifts facilitated by the council.

Community Engagement: The PGCBC actively engages with the local community through partnerships with other philanthropic organizations, educational institutions, and professional associations.


The Planned Giving Council of Broward County is a cornerstone of the philanthropic community in South Florida. Since its establishment in 1987, it has played a vital role in promoting planned giving and ensuring that professionals are well equipped to guide their clients and organizations in charitable giving. Through its educational programs, networking opportunities, and resources, the PGCBC fosters a culture of philanthropy that benefits donors, non-profits, and the broader community alike.

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