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Help make this year a success and position your company prominently.

2024/25 Presenting Sponsorship

Sponsorship Fee $2,500

  • Company logo on PGC website with click through to sponsor’s website

  • Full page spread in Symposium Program

  • Two (2) reserved tables for Twenty (20) to the Symposium

  • Two (2) annual memberships to PGC

  • Breakfast Meeting Sponsorship ($300 value)

2024/25 Silver Sponsorship

Sponsorship Fee $500

  • Company name on PGC website

  • Half Page ad in Symposium Program

  • Three (3) tickets to the Symposium

2024/25 Planned Giving Award Sponsorship

Sponsorship Fee $1000

  • Company logo on PGC website with click through to sponsor’s website

  • One Full page ad in Symposium Program

  • Five (5) tickets to the Symposium

  • One (1) annual membership to PGC

  • Opportunity for company representative to present the award

  • Announcement of sponsorship at time award is presented

2024/25 Breakfast Sponsorship

Sponsorship Fee $300

  • Company logo on all meeting promotions

  • Company materials may be placed on tables

  • Three (3) minute presentation at beginning of breakfast program with recognition

  • One reserved table of Eight (8) to the Breakfast

  • Recognition as a Breakfast Sponsor in Symposium Program 

  • One (1) ticket to the Symposium

2024/25 Gold Sponsorship

Sponsorship Fee $1,250

  • Company logo on PGC website with click through to sponsor’s website

  • One Full page ad in Symposium Program

  • One (1) reserved table for Ten (10) to the Symposium

  • One (1) annual membership to PGC 

  • Breakfast Meeting Sponsorship ($300 value)

2024/25 Bronze Sponsorship

Sponsorship Fee $250

  • Company name on PGC website

  • Quarter Page ad in Symposium Program

  • Two (2) tickets to the Symposium

2024/25 Networking Event Sponsorship

Sponsorship Fee $1000

  • Company logo on PGC website

  • Company logo on all event marketing materials for Networking Event (i.e., Kickoff, Joint Social, Member Mixer)

  • Ten (10) tickets to the Networking event

  • Two (2) tickets to the Symposium

  • Recognition as a Networking Event Sponsor in Symposium Program 

  • One (1) annual membership to PGC

Thank you to our 2022/23 Sponsors!
Gold Sponsors
CF Broward logo
Memorial Foundation logo
Wells Fargo logo
BRONZE Sponsors
inkind SponsorS
Total Wine logo
Memorial Healthcare logo
Ilumas logo
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